Scope Shots
Find below some scope shots taken from the PTHAT with all four channels running.

Byte1 | Byte 2-3 | Byte 4-5 | Byte 6-9 | Byte 10 |
I | 00 | WW | 1000 | * |
Received | Completed |
R00WW* | C00WW* |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | I=Instant Command B=Buffer Command | Sets command to either Instant or Buffer. | |
Byte 2-3 | 0-99 | Optional Command ID | |
Byte 4-5 | WW=Milliseconds WM=Microseconds | Set Wait Delay in either Milliseconds or Microseconds | |
Byte 6-9 | 0-9999 | Delay in ms so 1000ms=1 second delay Delay is us so 1000us=0.001 of a second | |
Byte 10 | * | End of Command |
Byte1 | Byte 2-5 | Byte 6 |
Z | 0000 | * |
Initiate Buffer Command Received |
RBZ000* |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | Z | ||
Byte 2-5 | 0000 | ||
Byte 6 | * | End of Command |
Byte1 | Byte 2-5 | Byte 6 |
H | 0000 | * |
Initiate Buffer Command Received |
RBH000* |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | H | ||
Byte 2-5 | 0000 | ||
Byte 6 | * | End of Command |
Byte1 | Byte 2 |
N | * |
Reset Command Received | Reset Command Completed |
Nothing | Nothing |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | N | Sends a Reset to the PTHAT | |
Byte 2 | * | End of Command |
Byte1 | Byte 2-3 | Byte 4-5 | Byte 6 |
I | 00 | FW | * |
Firmware Command Received *Version* | Firmware Command Completed |
RI00FW**Version* | CI00FW* |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | I=Instant Command B=Buffer Command | Sets command to either Instant or Buffer. | |
Byte 2-3 | 0-99 | Optional Command ID | |
Byte 4-5 | FW | Request Firmware | |
Byte 6 | * | End of Command |
Byte1 | Byte 2-3 | Byte 4-5 | Byte 6 |
I | 00 | G1 | * |
Completed Replies Turned On Received | Completed Replies Turned Off Received | Completed Replies Turned On Completed | Completed Replies Turned Off Completed |
RI00G1* | RI00G0* | CI00G1* | CI00G0* |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | I=Instant Command B=Buffer Command | Sets command to either Instant or Buffer. | |
Byte 2-3 | 0-99 | Optional Command ID | |
Byte 4-5 | G1= Turn On G0= Turn Off | Turn on/off Completed Command Replies | |
Byte 6 | * | End of Command |
Byte1 | Byte 2-3 | Byte 4-5 | Byte 6 |
I | 00 | R1 | * |
Received Command Replies Turned On Received | Received Command Replies Turned Off Received | Received Command Replies Turned On Completed | Received Command Replies Turned Off Completed |
RI00R1* | RI00R0* | CI00R1* | CI00R0* |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | I=Instant Command B=Buffer Command | Sets command to either Instant or Buffer. | |
Byte 2-3 | 0-99 | Optional Command ID | |
Byte 4-5 | R1= Turn On R0= Turn Off | Turn on/off Received Command Replies | |
Byte 6 | * | End of Command |
Byte1 | Byte 2-3 | Byte 4-5 | Byte 6 |
I | 00 | HT | * |
Toggle Enable Command Received | Toggle Enable Command Completed |
R00HT* | C00HT* |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | I=Instant Command B=Buffer Command | Sets command to either Instant or Buffer. | |
Byte 2-3 | 0-99 | Optional Command ID | |
Byte 4-5 | HT | Toggle Motor Enable Line On/Off | |
Byte 6 | * | End of Command |
Byte1 | Byte 2-3 | Byte 4-5 | Byte 6 | Byte 7 |
I | 00 | A1 | 1 | * |
Aux1 Received | Aux2 Received | Aux3 Received | Aux1 Completed | Aux2 Completed | Aux3 Completed |
R00A1* | R00A2* | R00A3* | C00A1* | C00A2* | C00A3* |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | I=Instant Command B=Buffer Command | Sets command to either Instant or Buffer. | |
Byte 2-3 | 0-99 | Optional Command ID | |
Byte 4-5 | A1= Set Aux1 A2= Set Aux2 A3= Set Aux3 | Set Aux port for switching | |
Byte 6 | 0=Off 1=On | Switches selected Aux On or Off | |
Byte 7 | * | End of Command |
Byte1 | Byte 2-3 | Byte 4-5 | Byte 6 |
I | 00 | D1 | * |
ADC1 Received *Result* | ADC2 Received *Result* | ADC1 Completed | ADC2 Completed |
RI00D1**Result* | RI00D2**Result* | CI00D1* | CI00D2* |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | I=Instant Command B=Buffer Command | Sets command to either Instant or Buffer. | |
Byte 2-3 | 0-99 | Optional Command ID | |
Byte 4-5 | D1= ADC1 Result D2= ADC2 Result | Request current ADC value | |
Byte 6 | * | End of Command |
Byte1 | Byte 2-3 | Byte 4-5 | Byte 6 | Byte 7 |
I | 00 | KX | 1 | * |
X Limit Received | Y Limit Received | Z Limit Received | E Limit Received | Emergency Stop Received | X Limit Completed | Y Limit Completed | Z Limit Completed | E Limit Completed | Emergency Stop Completed |
R00KX* | R00KY* | R00KZ* | R00KE* | R00KS* | C00KX* | C00KY* | C00KZ* | C00KE* | C00KS* |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | I=Instant Command B=Buffer Command | Sets command to either Instant or Buffer. | |
Byte 2-3 | 0-99 | Optional Command ID | |
Byte 4-5 | KX= Set Limit Switch X KY= Set Limit Switch Y KZ= Set Limit Switch Z KE= Set Limit Switch E KS= Set Emergency Stop | Set Limit Switch or Emergency Stop Enable/Disable | |
Byte 6 | 0=Disable 1=Enable | Switches selected Limit Switch to Enable/Disable | |
Byte 7 | * | End of Command |
Byte1 | Byte 2-3 | Byte 4-5 | Byte 6-15 | Byte 16 |
I | 00 | QX | 001000.000 | * |
X set Received | Y set Received | Z set Received | E set Received | X set Completed | Y set Completed | Z set Completed | E set Completed |
RI00QX* | RI00QY* | RI00QZ* | RI00QE* | CI00QX* | CI00QY* | CI00QZ* | CI00QE* |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | I=Instant Command B=Buffer Command | Sets command to either Instant or Buffer. | |
Byte 2-3 | 0-99 | Optional Command ID | |
Byte 4-5 | QX= Set X-Axis QY= Set Y-Axis QZ= Set Z-Axis QE= Set E-Axis | Sets which Axis is to be set | |
Byte 6-15 | 000000.000-125000.000 | Sets the frequency of the pulse train | |
Byte 16 | * | End of Command |
Byte1 | Byte 2-3 | Byte 4-5 | Byte 6 | Byte 7 | Byte 8 | Byte 9 | Byte 10 |
I | 00 | PX | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | * |
X Pause Received | Y Pause Received | Z Pause Received | E Pause Received | Pause All Received | X Resume Received | Y Resume Received | Z Resume Received | E Resume Received | All Resume Received |
RI00PX* | RI00PY* | RI00PZ* | RI00PE* | RI00PA* | CI00PX* | CI00PY* | CI00PZ* | CI00PE* | CI00PA* |
DI00PX* XP(D)XResult* YP(D)YResult* ZP(D)ZResult* EP(D)EResult* | DI00PY* XP(D)XResult* YP(D)YResult* ZP(D)ZResult* EP(D)EResult* | DI00PZ* XP(D)XResult* YP(D)YResult* ZP(D)ZResult* EP(D)EResult* | DI00PE* XP(D)XResult* YP(D)YResult* ZP(D)ZResult* EP(D)EResult* | DI00PX to E* XP(D)XResult* YP(D)YResult* ZP(D)ZResult* EP(D)EResult* | |||||
(D)=Direction of motor travel | (D)=Direction of motor travel | (D)=Direction of motor travel | (D)=Direction of motor travel | (D)=Direction of motor travel | |||||
Result=0000000000-4294967295 | Result=0000000000-4294967295 | Result=0000000000-4294967295 | Result=0000000000-4294967295 | Result=0000000000-4294967295 |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | I=Instant Command B=Buffer Command | Sets command to either Instant or Buffer. | |
Byte 2-3 | 0-99 | Optional Command ID | |
Byte 4-5 | PX= Pause/Resume X-Axis PY= Pause/Resume Y-Axis PZ= Pause/Resume Z-Axis PE= Pause/Resume E-Axis PA= Pause/Resume All | Sets which Axis is to be Paused/Resumed | |
Byte 6 | 0-1 | Sends back pulse count from Axis if set to 1 with: PA=X-Axis PX=X-Axis PY=Y-Axis PZ=Z-Axis PE=E-Axis | |
Byte 7 | 0-1 | Sends back pulse count from Axis if set to 1 with: PA=Y-Axis Set to 0 for PX, PY,PZ,PE | |
Byte 8 | 0-1> | Sends back pulse count from Axis if set to 1 with: PA=Z-Axis Set to 0 for PX, PY,PZ,PE | |
Byte 9 | 0-1 | Sends back pulse count from Axis if set to 1 with: PA=E-Axis Set to 0 for PX, PY,PZ,PE | |
Byte 6 | * | End of Command |
Byte1 | Byte 2-3 | Byte 4-5 | Byte 6 |
I | 00 | TX | * |
X Stop Received | Y Stop Received | Z Stop Received | E Stop Received | Stop All Received | X Pulse Stopped | Y Pulse Stopped | Z Pulse Stopped | E Pulse Stopped |
RI00TX* | RI00TY* | RI00TZ* | RI00TE* | RI00TA* | CI00SX* | CI00SY* | CI00SZ* | CI00SE* |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | I=Instant Command B=Buffer Command | Sets command to either Instant or Buffer. | |
Byte 2-3 | 0-99 | Optional Command ID | |
Byte 4-5 | TX= Stop X-Axis TY= Stop Y-Axis TZ= Stop Z-Axis TE= Stop E-Axis TA= Stop All | Sets which Axis is to be stopped | |
Byte 6 | * | End of Command |
Byte1 | Byte 2-3 | Byte 4-5 | Byte 6 |
I | 00 | SX | * |
X Start Received | Y Start Received | Z Start Received | E Start Received | All Start Received | X Pulse Count Complete | Y Pulse Count Complete | Z Pulse Count Complete | E Pulse Count Complete |
RI00SX* | RI00SY* | RI00SZ* | RI00SE* | RI00SA* | CI00SX* | CI00SY* | CI00SZ* | CI00SE* |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | I=Instant Command B=Buffer Command | Sets command to either Instant or Buffer. | |
Byte 2-3 | 0-99 | Optional Command ID | |
Byte 4-5 | SX= Start X-Axis SY= Start Y-Axis SZ= Start Z-Axis SE= Start E-Axis SA= Start All | Sets which Axis is to be started | |
Byte 6 | * | End of Command |
Byte1 | Byte 2-3 | Byte 4-5 | Byte 6-15 | Byte 16 | Byte 17 | Byte 18 | Byte 19 | Byte 20 |
I | 00 | JX | 0000000100 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | * |
X set Received | Y set Received | Z set Received | E set Received | X set Completed | Y set Completed | Z set Completed | E set Completed |
RI00JX* | RI00JY* | RI00JZ* | RI00JE* | CI00JX* | CI00JY* | CI00JZ* | CI00JE* |
DI00JX* XP(D)XResult* YP(D)YResult* ZP(D)ZResult* EP(D)EResult* | DI00JY* XP(D)XResult* YP(D)YResult* ZP(D)ZResult* EP(D)EResult* | DI00JZ* XP(D)XResult* YP(D)YResult* ZP(D)ZResult* EP(D)EResult* | DI00JE* XP(D)XResult* YP(D)YResult* ZP(D)ZResult* EP(D)EResult* | ||||
(D)=Direction of motor travel | (D)=Direction of motor travel | (D)=Direction of motor travel | (D)=Direction of motor travel | ||||
Result=0000000000-4294967295 | Result=0000000000-4294967295 | Result=0000000000-4294967295 | Result=0000000000-4294967295 |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | I=Instant Command B=Buffer Command | Sets command to either Instant or Buffer. | |
Byte 2-3 | 0-99 | Optional Command ID | |
Byte 4-5 | JX= Set X-Axis JY= Set Y-Axis JZ= Set Z-Axis JE= Set E-Axis | Sets which Axis is to be set to auto send pulse counts on | |
Byte 6-15 | 0000000000-4294967295 | Sets the Pulse count at which all Axis pulse counts will be sent back | |
Byte 16 | 0-1 | 0=Disable X Axis Pulse Replies 1=Enable X Axis Pulse Reply | |
Byte 17 | 0-1 | 0=Disable Y Axis Pulse Replies 1=Enable Y Axis Pulse Reply | |
Byte 18 | 0-1 | 0=Disable Z Axis Pulse Replies 1=Enable Z Axis Pulse Reply | |
Byte 19 | 0-1 | 0=Disable E Axis Pulse Replies 1=Enable E Axis Pulse Reply | |
Byte 20 | * | End of Command |
Byte1 | Byte 2-3 | Byte 4-5 | Byte 6-15 | Byte 16 |
I | 00 | BX | 0000000100 | * |
X set Received | Y set Received | Z set Received | E set Received | X set Completed | Y set Completed | Z set Completed | E set Completed |
RI00BX* | RI00BY* | RI00BZ* | RI00BE* | CI00BX* | CI00BY* | CI00BZ* | CI00BE* |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | I=Instant Command B=Buffer Command | Sets command to either Instant or Buffer. | |
Byte 2-3 | 0-99 | Optional Command ID | |
Byte 4-5 | BX= Set X-Axis BY= Set Y-Axis BZ= Set Z-Axis BE= Set E-Axis | Sets which Axis is to be set to auto change direction | |
Byte 6-15 | 0000000000-4294967295 | Sets the Pulse count to change direction on the fly | |
Byte 16 | * | End of Command |
If sending as Buffered commands, remember you will need to initiate the buffer first and also use a buffer start command. This will be covered further down the page.
Byte1 | Byte 2-3 | Byte 4-5 | Byte 6-15 | Byte 16-25 | Byte 26 | Byte 27 | Byte 28 | Byte 29-31 | Byte 32-34 | Byte 35 | Byte 36 | Byte 37 |
I | 00 | CX | 125000.000 | 4294967295 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 100 | 010 | 0 | 1 | * |
X set Received | Y set Received | Z set Received | E set Received | X set Completed | Y set Completed | Z set Completed | E set Completed |
RI00CX* | RI00CY* | RI00CZ* | RI00CE* | CI00CX* | CI00CY* | CI00CZ* | CI00CE* |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | I=Instant Command B=Buffer Command | Sets command to either Instant or Buffer. | |
Byte 2-3 | 0-99 | Optional Command ID | |
Byte 4-5 | CX= Set X-Axis CY= Set Y-Axis CZ= Set Z-Axis CE= Set E-Axis | Sets which Axis is to be set | |
Byte 6-15 | 000000.000-500000.000 | Sets the frequency of the pulse train | |
Byte 16-25 | 0000000000-4294967295 | Sets the required pulse count. | |
Byte 26 | 0-1 | Direction 0=CW 1=CCW | |
Byte 27 | 0-1 | Start Ramp 0=No ramp 1=Ramp | |
Byte 28 | 0-1 | Finish Ramp 0=No ramp 1=Ramp | |
Byte 29-31 | 0-255 | Ramp divide. This will divide the target frequency by this value for each ramp increment. | |
Byte 32-34 | 0-255 | Ramp pause between each ramp increment., | |
Byte 35 | 0-2 | Link to ADC 0=No ADC 1=Link to ADC1 2=Link to ADC2 | |
Byte 36 | 0-1 | Enable Line Polarity 0=Enable Line 0 Volts 1=Enable Line 5 Volts | |
Byte 37 | * | End of Command |
Byte1 | Byte 2-3 | Byte 4-5 | Byte 6 |
I | 00 | XP | * |
X Pulse Count Received *Result* | Y Pulse Count Received *Result* | Z Pulse Count Received *Result* | E Pulse Count Received *Result* | X Pulse Count Completed | Y Pulse Count Completed | Z Pulse Count Completed | E Pulse Count Completed |
RI00XP* | RI00YP* | RI00ZP* | RI00EP* | CI00XP* | CI00YP* | CI00ZP* | CI00EP* |
XP(D)XResult | YP(D)YResult | ZP(D)ZResult | EP(D)EResult | ||||
(D)=Direction of X motor travel | (D)=Direction of Y motor travel | (D)=Direction of Z motor travel | (D)=Direction of E motor travel | ||||
XResult=0000000000-4294967295 | YResult=0000000000-4294967295 | ZResult=0000000000-4294967295 | EResult=0000000000-4294967295 |
Byte | Setting | Description | |
Byte 1 | I=Instant Command B=Buffer Command | Sets command to either Instant or Buffer. | |
Byte 2-3 | 0-99 | Optional Command ID | |
Byte 4-5 | XP= Pulse Count X-Axis YP= Pulse Count Y-Axis ZP= Pulse Count Z-Axis EP= Pulse Count E-Axis | Request current pulse count for Axis specified | |
Byte 6 | * | End of Command |