The Pulse Train HAT

A Raspberry Pi HAT

Making motor control easy, fast and accurate.

PTHAT Mainboard

The PTHAT mainboard has a single channel pulse train output and limit switch input. Ideal for single motor control.

The PTHAT expansion board

Adding the expansion board to the mainboard expands the PTHAT to have 4 channels and also extra I/O functionality. 

Easy fitting for Raspberry Pi

Both that mainboard and expansion board have been designed to simply connect to the Raspberry PI.
Scope shot showing Max Frequency of 500kHz

X-Axis running at 500kHz and Y-Axis running at 250kHz

X-Axis running at 50kHz and Y-Axis running at 10kHz
X-Axis running at 1Hz and Y-Axis running at 0.5Hz
X-Axis running at 1Hz and Y-Axis running at 0.1Hz
X-Axis running at 100Hz
Y-Axis running at 100Hz
Z-Axis running at 100Hz
A-Axis running at 100Hz
X-Axis running at 1kHz
Y-Axis running at 2kHz
Z-Axis running at 4kHz
A-Axis running at 8kHz

Closer look at the PCB's

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